R is…
  • derived from "S"
  • statistics software
  • a programming language
  • extensible
  • developed constantly
  • platform independent
  • well documented
  • (almost) essential to know
  • free to download

R isn't…
  • intuitively usable
  • commercially supported


  • Simple expressions in R are numbers or (character) strings.
  • Strings have to be put into double or single quotes.
  • Numbers can be used for calculations, strings for string operations.
  • Calculating with strings will result in error messages, quite obviously.


  • Numbers:
  • Strings:
  • Calculations:


  • Comparisons consist of two expressions or objects and a comparison operator.
  • Comparisons yield a boolean expression: TRUE or FALSE.

Comparison operators:

  • greater than: >
  • greater or equal: >=
  • less than: <
  • less or equal: <=
  • unequal: !=
  • equal: ==


  • Numbers:
  • Strings:
    									"Hallo!" != 'Text.'
    									"X" == "U"
  • Boolean expressions:
    									TRUE == TRUE
    									TRUE != FALSE

Logical Operations

  • Logical Operations link two expressions using a logical operator.
  • Logical Operations yield a boolean expression: TRUE or FALSE.
  • Applicable to: Boolean expressions, numbers
  • Not applicable to: strings

Operatoren sind:

  • And: & or &&
  • Or: | or ||
  • Not: prefixed !
  • Exklusive or: Function xor(a, b)

Logical Operations

  • And:
    						TRUE & TRUE
    						TRUE && FALSE
  • Or:
    						TRUE | TRUE
    						TRUE || FALSE
  • Not:
    						! TRUE
  • Exklusive or:
    						xor(TRUE, FALSE)

Test it!

  • R is available here: https://www.r-project.org/
  • R-Studio here: https://www.rstudio.com/
  • Both should be already installed on the course notebooks.

Test it!


  • Like any other programming language R knows variables.
  • Variables are named storage boxes for data.
  • Variable content can be changed.
  • Variable types in R are dynamic, i.e. the data type that a variable can contain does not have to be declared beforehand.
  • The assignment operator in R is: <- or = oder ->


Characters that can be used in variable names are alphanumeric characters, numbers, dot and underscore, so:

variable_number1. ok
.variable_number ok
variable.number ok


.1variable_number not ok, no numbers after "."
1variable_number not ok, name may not start with a number
_variable_number not ok, name may not start with an underscore

Assigning to Variables

						> varname.1 = 1
						> varname.1
						[1] 1

						> varname.2 <- 1
						> varname.2
						[1] 1

						> "Kurs" -> varname.3
						> varname.3
						[1] "Kurs"

Overview and Cleaning Up

Listing all variables

							# Function ls() will list all defined variables:
							> ls()
							 [1] "alpha"  "beta"   "df0"    "df1"    "dg"     "g"      "x"      "m"      "M"      "pk"     "y"

Cleaning up…

							# The function rm() will delete variables
							> rm(x)
							> ls()
							 [1] "alpha"  "beta"   "df0"    "df1"    "dg"     "g"      "m"      "M"      "pk"     "y"
							# Delete everything:
							> rm(list=ls())


You can output to screen or a file with the functions print() or cat().

Use cat() to concatenate several output data.

							cat(varname1, varname2)

Heads or Tails

head() and tail() facilitate printing of the first or last lines of an R object.

						> seq(1,100)
						  [1]   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18
						 [19]  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36
						 [37]  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  50  51  52  53  54
						 [55]  55  56  57  58  59  60  61  62  63  64  65  66  67  68  69  70  71  72
						 [73]  73  74  75  76  77  78  79  80  81  82  83  84  85  86  87  88  89  90
						 [91]  91  92  93  94  95  96  97  98  99 100
						> head(seq(1,100),2)
						[1] 1 2

Data Types

DescriptionExampleData type
Char strings"R Course"character
integer and real numbers1000numeric
integer numbers1L, 2Linteger
complex numbers6.023x10exp23complex
logical numbersTRUElogical

Data Types

							> variable1 <- "R Kurs"

							# Use the function class() to find out the type
							> class(variable1)
							> cat("The variable is of type ", class(variable1), ".\n")
							The variable is of type character
							> variable1 <- 1000L
							> cat("Now it is of type ", class(variable1), ".\n")
							Now it is of type integer.

Type Casting

The process of converting data types into other data types is referred to as "type casting":

							# The function as.integer() converts 
							# variables to type integer:
							> variable2 <- as.integer(1000)
							> class(variable2)
							[1] "integer"


Variables aren't constants.

						# Variables can be overwritten
						> variable1 <- "Test"
						> variable1 <- 10.7
						> cat("The variable is of type ", class(variable1), ".\n")
						The variable is of type numeric.


Intern werden Daten von R in expliziteren Typen gespeichert:

Internally, R stores data in more verbose types.

							var1 <- 10.7
							var3 <- as.integer(var1)
							var4 <- as.integer(var2)
							# In internal memory "numeric" is the same as "double".
							# Use typeof() to get the internal mode. 

							> typeof(var1)
							[1] "double"

Which internal and external data types do the used variables have?

Deleting Variables

						# Variable can be deleted with rm()
						> var1 <- 1000
						> rm(var1)
						> var1
						Fehler: Objekt 'var1' nicht gefunden


There are many functions that are implemented either in R base or in one of the numerous statistical (and other) packages.

Functions can be used for e.g. statistical calculations, input and output or visualization of data.

User defined functions will be presented later.


Functions can be used for predefined tasks. Many functions are already implemented in base R, e.g. sum(), mean(), sqrt()

							# Calculate sums with sum()
							> sum(1000, 1)
							[1] 1001
							#  Calculate the arithmetic mean with mean()
							> mean(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) # this is a vector...
							[1] 3

Square Root

							# Calculate the square root
							> sqrt(49)
							[1] 7


							# Common logarithm functions
							# Logarithm base 10
							> log10(1000)
							[1] 3
							# Logarithm base 2
							> log2(64)
							[1] 6
							# natural logarithm
							> log(100)
							[1] 4.60517
							#  Exponent
							> exp(4.60517)
							[1] 99.99998
							# NB.: rounding error!


R does also contain a user manual: ?sqrt or help(sqrt) will show the manual page for the function sqrt().

						# Was does this do?

'q' will exit the (text based) help display.

Data Structures

In R data is organized in data structures, e.g. vectors, lists, matrices…

  • Vector
  • Matrix
  • Array
  • Data frame
  • List
  • Factor


  • Vectors are elementary parts of R
  • Vectors consist of one or more ordered elements
  • Vectors can hold all data types, e.g. numeric, character, logical
  • All elements within a given vector have to be of the same type!


  • In R almost everything is implemented based on vectors.
  • Vectors can be any data type. But again: Vectors can't hold elements of mixed types!
  • The most simple vectors in R consist of only one element.


							# You create a character type vector like this: 
							> print("Kurs") # e.g.
							[1] "Kurs"

							# It can also be assigned to a variable: 
							> var1 <- "Kurs"
							[1] "Kurs"

							# Check if var1 is a vector (or anything else) by preceding "is.":
							> is.vector(var1)
							[1] TRUE


							# Casting a vector to a certain type can be done with "as."
							> var2 <- pi
							> var3 <- as.integer(var2)
							> var3
							[1] 3 # Information is lost here!
							> class(var3)
							[1] "integer"


Numeric vectors with several elements:

							# More than one way to create a numeric vector
							> x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
							> x
							[1] 1 2 3 4 5
							> x <-seq(from = 1, to = 5, by = 1))
							> x
							[1] 1 2 3 4 5
							> x <- c(1:5)
							> x
							[1] 1 2 3 4 5


The easiest way to create a vector is the c() function (for combine or concatenate).

							# numerischer Vector
							> x <- c(1:100)
							# "character" Vector
							> x <- c("Ich", "brauche", "eine", "Pause")
							> x
							[1] "Ich" "brauche" "eine" "Pause"
							# Boolean Vector
							> x <- c(FALSE, TRUE, T, F)
							> x


Mixed vectors:

							> x <- c(1, 2, TRUE, "Kaffee")
							> x
							# All elements have to be of the same type. 
							# Thus "character" type is enforced in this case. 
							[1] TRUE


							# Combining vectors
							> x <- c(1:5)
							> y <- c(x, 6:10)
							> y
							[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
							> length(y)
							[1] 10


To repeat a certain object use the function rep().

							> x <- rep(3, 12)
							> x
							[1] 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
							> length(y)
							[1] 12

Calculations with Vectors

Calculating with vectors happens element by element:

							> x <- c(1:5)
							> y <- x*2
							> y
							[1] 2 4 6 8 10
							> z <- x + x
							> z
							[1] 2 4 6 8 10
							> z <- x ^2
							> z
							[1] 1 4 9 16 25
							> sum(x) # an aggregating function!
							[1] 15
							> mean(x) 
							[1] 3

Indexing Vectors

Syntax: Object[Index-Vector]

						> x <- c(1:5)
						> x[3]  # index third vector element
						[1] 3
						> x[c(4, 1)] # index elements four and one (order is important!).
						[1] 4 1

						> x[-c(4, 1)] # index everything BUT elements four and one
						[1] 2 3 5

Other Data Structures

In R all data structures belong to certain classes.

Vectors are most important. Everything else can be seen as combinations of vectors into a certain structure.


Data in a matrix is organized in two-dimensional form.

All elements have to be of the same type, still.

Numeric elements are the most common type used in matrices.

Datasets – Data Frames

Dataframes are similar to matrices but can hold different data types in different columns


Lists are R objects that can hold several elements of arbitrary types, including vectors, numbers, other lists…


Factors are vector-like R objects that hold categorized data. The levels or categories valid for the factor are defined at its creation.

If the factor is created for levels "a" and "b" you can add another "a" but you can't add a "c".

Useful for property-like data with several set options only, e.g. "male/female", "wildtype/mutant" or "A/G/T/C".


Arrays are R objects that can hold data organized in more than two dimensions.

An array with the dimensions (2, 3, 4) can e.g. be interpreted as a stack of four matrices with two rows and three columns each.

Will not be discussed here.


Typ Dim Mix Named
Data frame 2 TRUE (columnwise) TRUE
List 1 (but...) TRUE FALSE

Creating a Matrix

Matrices are created with the function matrix().

Syntax: matrix(data, nrow, ncol, byrow, dimnames)

  • data Input-Vector, will supply the matrix elements.
  • nrow Number of rows
  • ncol Number of columns
  • byrow If TRUE the matrix will be built row by row instead of by column.
  • dimnames List of vectors containig row and column names

Creating a Matrix

							# elements filled in by column
							> x <- matrix(1:10, nrow = 2, ncol = 5) 
							> x
							 [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
							[1,]    1    3    5    7    9
							[2,]    2    4    6    8   10
							# elements filled in by row
							> x <- matrix(1:10, nrow = 2, ncol = 5, byrow = TRUE) 
							> x
							 [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
							[1,]    1    2    3    4    5
							[2,]    6    7    8    9   10

Creating a Matrix

							# naming columns and rows
							> rownames <- c("Zeile1", "Zeile2")
							> colnames <- c("Spalte1", "Spalte2", "Spalte3", "Spalte4", "Spalte5")
							> y <- matrix(1:10, nrow = 2, ncol = 5, 
								byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(rownames, colnames))
							> y
							       Spalte1 Spalte2 Spalte3 Spalte4 Spalte5
							Zeile1       1       2       3       4       5
							Zeile2       6       7       8       9      10

Indexing Matrices

Matrix elements can be addressed by row- and column index.

							# Index element in col 3, row 2
							> y[2,3]
							> [1] 8

To index whole columns or rows, leave out the other dimension index.

							# Index column 4
							> y[,4]
							Zeile1 Zeile2
							 4      9

Calculations with Matrices

This can be used for calculations, of course.

							# Hier wird der Mittelwert aller Elemente in Zeile1 in Spalte1 bis Spalte3 berechnet 
							# Calculate the average of elements in columns 1 to 3, row 1
							> mean(y[1,c(1, 2, 3)])
							# or 
							> mean(y[1,1:3])

Non-aggregating calculations are also done per element.

							> y*2
							       Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column5
							Row1         2       4       6       8      10
							Row2        12      14      16      18      20



Dataframes are similar to matrices but –in contrast– can hold different data types

This is not possible in matrices, as the following example will demontrate.

							# In matrices all elements are born equal ;)
							> x <- matrix(c(1:5, c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e")), 5, 2)
							> x
							 [,1] [,2]
							[1,] "1"  "a"
							[2,] "2"  "b"
							[3,] "3"  "c"
							[4,] "4"  "d"
							[5,] "5"  "e"
							> y <- x[2,1]
							> class(y)
							[1] "character"
							# The numbers are demoted to chars, here

Mixed Dataframes

In a dataframe elements of different type can be combined. Column names (colnames) shouldn't be empty row names should be unique or empty.

							# Same data as before: 
							> d <- data.frame(ersteSpalte = 1:5, zweiteSpalte = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e"))
							  ersteSpalte zweiteSpalte
							1           1            a
							2           2            b
							3           3            c
							4           4            d
							5           5            e

But: elements sharing a column do have to be of the same type!

Dataframe Example

In this example we consider 5 plants of a mutant Arabidopsis line. We need to store plant number and number of well developed seeds.

							> dfrm <- data.frame(Plant_No = 
								c("At1", "At2", "At3", "At4", "At5"), 
								fertile_seeds = c(122, 345, 215, 90, 77), 
								stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

							  Pflanzen_Nr fertile_Samen
							1         At1           122
							2         At2           345
							3         At3           215
							4         At4            90
							5         At5            77

Dataframe Structure

With the function str() we can check a dataframe's structure:

						> str(dfrm)
						'data.frame':   5 obs. of  2 variables:
						 $ Pflanzen_Nr  : chr  "At1" "At2" "At3" "At4" ...
						 $ fertile_Samen: num  122 345 215 90 77

str() functioniert übrigens nicht nur mit Dataframes.

Dataframe Summary

The Function summary() will print out a statistical summary of a dataframe.

							> summary(drfm)
							 Pflanzen_Nr        fertile_Samen
							 Length:5           Min.   : 77.0
							 Class :character   1st Qu.: 90.0
							 Mode  :character   Median :122.0
							Mean   :169.8
							3rd Qu.:215.0
							Max.   :345.0

Dataframe Column Extension

We can add data to a dataframe. Here we will include a column for flowering time in days.

							# The $ addresses a column by name
							# It's added since it's not there yet. 
							> data$Bluehzeit_Tage <- c(5, 7, 6, 10, 8)
							> data <- data
							> data
							  Pflanzen_Nr fertile_Samen Bluehzeit_Tage
							1         At1           122              5
							2         At2           345              7
							3         At3           215              6
							4         At4            90             10
							5         At5            77              8

Dataframe Row Extension

To add new rows to a dataframe use the function rbind(). It combines two dataframes of the same layout.

							# First we need a new dataframe of the same format with data to add
							> newdata <- data.frame(Pflanzen_Nr = c("At6", "At7", "At8"), 
								fertile_Samen = c(99, 45, 102), Bluehzeit_Tage = c (7, 11, 13), 
								stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

							# Then we can connect both frames 
							# rbind == row bind
							> data_final <- rbind(data, newdata)
							> print(data_final)

							  Plant_No fertile_seeds Bluehzeit_Tage
							1      At1           122              5
							2      At2           345              7
							3      At3           215              6
							4      At4            90             10
							5      At5            77              8
							6      At6            99              7
							7      At7            45             11
							8      At8           102             13

Indexing Dataframes

Quite similar to indexing matrices.

							# Extracting the first two rows
							> print(data_final[c(1, 2),]) # or [1:2,]
							  Plant_No fertile_seeds Bluehzeit_Tage
							1      At1           122              5
							2      At2           345              7
							# Here we extract flowering time of plants 5 and 8
							> print(data_final[c(5, 8), c(1, 3)])
							 Plant_No Bluehzeit_Tage
							5     At5              8
							8     At8             13
							# addressing columns by name:
							> data_final$fertile_seeds[2] 
							[1] 345


Lists are created with the list() function. They can be seen as a collection object for different components, possibly belonging to different data types.

							# Defining a list holding a vector and a matrix. 
							# E.g. expression values of 3 genes in two replicates.
							> newList <- list(c("WUSCHEL", "CLAVATA3", "TOPLESS"), 
							expr = matrix(c(101, 59, 120, 289, 310, 278, 789, 1020, 812), 
							nrow = 3, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE))
							> neueListe
							[1] "WUSCHEL"  "CLAVATA3" "TOPLESS"
							 [,1] [,2] [,3]
							[1,]  101   59  120
							[2,]  289  310  278
							[3,]  789 1020  812

Lists can contain other lists as well!


Factors assign data elements to distinct categories or levels which can be useful in statistical analyses.

E.g. you can define a factor that can only hold the values "male" and "female" or 1 and 2 or "wiltype" and mutant. Internally the levels are stored as integer values.

Factors are created with the function factor().


							# Create a vector with the data
							> genotype <- c("wildtype", "wildtype", "mutant", "wildtype", "mutant")
							# That will become a two level factor: 
							> g <- factor(genotype)
							[1] wildtype wildtype mutant   wildtype mutant
							Levels: mutant wildtype
							# You now cannot add a hedgehog to it anymore: 
							> g[6]<-'hedgehog'
							In `[<-.factor`(`*tmp*`, 6, value = "hedgehog") :
							  invalid factor level, NA generated
							> g
							[1] wildtype wildtype mutant   wildtype mutant   NA
							Levels: mutant wildtype

Flow Control and Loops

Control constructs and loops are important parts of all programming languages. They control program flow by conditional execution of code blocks and repetition.

							# If a condition is TRUE expression1 is evaluated, on false expression2 is used. 
							# The other expression respectively is skipped entirely. 
							> if(condition) {expression1} else {expression2} # (1)

							# A more R-ish way to put it: 
							> ifelse(condition, expression1, expression2) # (2)

Conditional Execution

An example:

							> TheTime <- "10 h"
							> Breakfast <- "9 h"
							> Lunch <- "12 h"

							> if(TheTime == Lunch || TheTime == Breakfast) {print("Pause")} 
							else{print("Go on working")}
							[1] "Go on working"

An example for ifelse()

ifelse() is a function, accepting a conditional expression and two alternative code expressions. It is vectorized, i.e. can work on a vector element by element.


							> x <- c(1:10)
							> ifelse(x > 5, ">5", "<=5")
							 [1] "<=5" "<=5" "<=5" "<=5" "<=5" ">5"  ">5"  ">5"  ">5"  ">5"


Loops can carry out functions or code blocks repeatedly. There are several possibilities for loops in R:

repeat{expression} Repeat expression until stopped
while(condition){expression} Repeat expression while condition is TRUE
for(i in M){expression} Repeat expressions for every element i in assemblage M
next Skip to next iteration
break exit loop immediately

Repeat Example

							# Increment i by 1 until 10 is reached
							> i <- 0
							> repeat{
							+ i <- i+1
							+ print(i)
							+ if(i == 10) break
							+ }
							[1] 1
							[1] 2
							[1] 3
							[1] 4
							[1] 5
							[1] 6
							[1] 7
							[1] 8
							[1] 9
							[1] 10

While Example

							# Usage example for while
							# (You can skip the braces for single expressions.)
							> i <- 0
							> while(i < 10)
							+ i <- i +1
							> i
							[1] 10

For Example

							> i <- 0
							> x <- c(1:10)
							> for(i in x)
							+ print(i + 1)
							[1] 2
							[1] 3
							[1] 4
							[1] 5
							[1] 6
							[1] 7
							[1] 8
							[1] 9
							[1] 10
							[1] 11

Input and Output of Files

R can access data outside the R system as well as export data to files.

File I/O

It is important to define and be aware of the currently used folder. To set a new working directory you can use the function setwd(). To find out where in the file system you currently are, use getwd()

To see what is in a folder use dir().

A "wd" might be C:/Users/You/R/subfolder on Windows or /home/You/R/subfolder on Unix-likes.

The easiest way in R to read data from a file is read.table(). The function is suitable for reading in a data frame stored as a file in tabular form.

File I/O

Important options of read.table()
  • file – Dateiname und Pfad (letzerer nur, wenn nicht im working directory vorhanden)
  • header – deklariert, ob Spaltennamen vorhanden sind, die default Einstellung ist FALSE
  • sep – definiert die Trennzeichen zwischen den Spalten. Default ist ein Leerzeichen oder Tab (" ", "\t")
  • dec – definiert, welches Trennzeichen Dezimalstellen trennt, die Voreinstellung ist "."
  • Informationen finden sich in der Hilfe ?read.table

Reading in Data

						> ?read.table()
						read.table(file, header = FALSE, sep = "", quote = "\"'",
						dec = ".", numerals = c("allow.loss", "warn.loss", "no.loss"),
						row.names, col.names, as.is = !stringsAsFactors,
						na.strings = "NA", colClasses = NA, nrows = -1,
						skip = 0, check.names = TRUE, fill = !blank.lines.skip,
						strip.white = FALSE, blank.lines.skip = TRUE,
						comment.char = "#",
						allowEscapes = FALSE, flush = FALSE,
						stringsAsFactors = default.stringsAsFactors(),
						fileEncoding = "", encoding = "unknown", text, skipNul = FALSE)

Writing out Data

To output data write.table() is used.

						write.table(x, file = "", append = FALSE, quote = TRUE, sep = " ",
						eol = "\n", na = "NA", dec = ".", row.names = TRUE,
						col.names = TRUE, qmethod = c("escape", "double"),
						fileEncoding = "")

Data Exchange with MS Excel

To exchange data between Excel (et al.) and R CSV files are a valid solution. The appropriate functions in R are:

						read.csv(file, header = TRUE, sep = ",", quote = "\"",
						dec = ".", fill = TRUE, comment.char = "", ...)
						read.csv2(file, header = TRUE, sep = ";", quote = "\"",
						dec = ",", fill = TRUE, comment.char = "", ...)
						read.delim(file, header = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote = "\"",
						dec = ".", fill = TRUE, comment.char = "", ...)
						read.delim2(file, header = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote = "\"",
						dec = ",", fill = TRUE, comment.char = "", ...)

Accordingly use write.csv() for output.

Exercise Data in R

As an example, access the famous "iris" dataset.

						iris {datasets}R Documentation
						Edgar Anderson's Iris Data
						This famous (Fisher's or Anderson's) iris data set gives the measurements in
						> head(iris)
						  Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
						  Sepal.L.. Sepal.W.. Petal.L.. Petal.W.. Species
						1       5.1       3.5       1.4       0.2  setosa
						2       4.9       3.0       1.4       0.2  setosa
						3       4.7       3.2       1.3       0.2  setosa
						4       4.6       3.1       1.5       0.2  setosa
						> write.table(iris, file = "iris_data.txt", sep = " ")


You can read the same dataset with read.table(), now:

						> test <- read.table("iris_data.txt", header = TRUE, sep = " ")
						> head(test)
						  Sepal.L.. Sepal.W.. Petal.L.. Petal.W.. Species
						1       5.1       3.5       1.4       0.2  setosa
						2       4.9       3.0       1.4       0.2  setosa
						3       4.7       3.2       1.3       0.2  setosa
						4       4.6       3.1       1.5       0.2  setosa

R Packages

  • R is extensible.
  • There are useful functions for a lot of applications, organized in packages.
  • To make use of them you have to load the respective package first.
  • To be able to load a package it has to be installed. Installation can be done system-wide (admin's job) or into a presonal library.

Installing R packages

Before you can use functions from a package it might have to be installed first.

							# To install a package this will be sufficient: 
							> install.packages('paketname')

							# To use a certain folder explicitely:
							> install.packages('paketname', lib='/home/username/myRlib')


  • Packages are installed from a CRAN mirror server on the internet, per default.
  • CRAN: "Comprehensive R archive network"
  • CRAN is the central place to look for published R packages. To keep server load low there are several, globally distributed mirror servers sharing the same content.
  • There are other package repositories like BioConductor or Github…

Installing R Packages

An Example:

							> install.packages('ggplot2')
							Installiere Paket nach '/home/username/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.4'
							(da 'lib' nicht spezifiziert)
							– Bitte einen CRAN Spiegel fuer diese Sitzung auswaehlen –
							versuche URL 'https://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/misc/cran/src/contrib/ggplot2_2.2.1.tar.gz'
							Content type 'application/octet-stream' length 2213308 bytes (2.1 MB)
							downloaded 2.1 MB

							* installing *source* package 'ggplot2' ...
							** Paket 'ggplot2' erfolgreich entpackt und MD5 Summen ueberprueft
							* DONE (ggplot2)

							Die heruntergeladenen Quellpakete sind in


Loading R-Packages

Once installed a package has to be loaded into the workspace:

						> library(paketname) # no quotes

						> library(help=ggplot2) # an overview of available functions in the package


Exercises on creation, access and calculation with vectors

Exercise 1:

Create a vector containing the numbers 3, 9, 7, 6, 4, 1.

Then calculate the mean of the elements in the vector and the square root of the different elements.

Exercise 2:

Create a vector containig the numbers 1, 10 and 100 with data type of integer.

Use two different methods. Test the data type by using an R function call.

Exercise 3:

Create a vector with the elements "Easy", "work", "with", "R".

What's its data type?

Exercise 4:

Create a vector that contains the odd numbers between 1 and 100.

Try to find the simplest way to do so.

Exercise 5:

Create a vector x containig the numbers from 1 to 5 and a vector y with the numbers 7 to 20.

Combine both vectors to get vector z. Delete x and y from memory.

Sort z in decreasing order.

Exercise 6:

Calculate the mean of elemnts number 2, 7 and 9 of vector z (s. Ex. 5).

Exercises on Matrices

Exercise 1a:

Create this matrix as M1:

							     [,1] [,2]
							[1,]  1    6
							[2,]  2    7
							[3,]  3    8
							[4,]  4    9
							[5,]  5    10

Exercise 1b:

Do the same under the name of M2, but row-wise.

Exercise 1c:

Get the element in column 2, row 3 from that matrix (s. 1b, M2). (Should be number 6.)

Exercise 1d:

Subtract 2 from every element of the second column. Calculate the mean of that new vector.

Exercise 1e:

Create a matrix M3 from M2 where the numbers in column 2 are replace by the numbers in column 1, each subtracted by 2.

Exercise 1f:

Add a sixth row to M3 containing the elements 12 and 14. And another row with 20 and 25.

Exercise 2:

Create a matrix with two rows and two columns containing numbers 1 to 4, row-wise.

Row names should be "a1" and "a2", column names "b1" and "b2".

Exercise 3:

Create the following matrix using the shortest way you can think of.

							     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
							[1,]  100  80   60   40   20
							[2,]  98   78   58   38   18
							[3,]  96   76   56   36   16
							[4,]  94   74   54   34   14
							[5,]  92   72   52   32   12
							[6,]  90   70   50   30   10
							[7,]  88   68   48   28   8
							[8,]  86   66   46   26   6
							[9,]  84   64   44   24   4
							[10,] 82   62   42   22   2

Exercises on Dataframes

Exercise 3a:

Create the following data frame as "data".

						    Plant_No fertile_Seeds aborted_Seeds
						1    At1      377           10
						2    At2      879           30
						3    At3      216           41
						4    At4      93            71
						5    At5      98            22
						6    At6      103           6

Exercise 3b:

Print out the statistical summary for "data".

Exercise 3c:

We forgot some data. Add the column "Counted_silics".

Use 6, 18, 4, 3, 2 and 2 silics accordingly.

Exercise 3d:

Sort the data by increasing number of counted silics. Use the function order().

Exercise 4:

Open the iris dataset as dataframe "d" for the following exercises.

Exercise 4a:

View the top of the dataset with head().

Now let's access all rows holding data for the species "virginica". One possibility is to use the function which(). which() will generate a numeric vector whose elements correspond to TRUE in a corresponding logical vector.

First create that numeric vector and a new dataframe "subset" in a second step.

Exercise 4b:

Create a new dataframe "subset2" from "subset" that contains all virginica species with a Petal width below 2.

Exercises with Loops

Exercise 1

Use the function ifelse() to print out "Nope" if an element of a vector containig the numbers from 10 to 20 is not 16 and "Hooray" if it is.

Exercise 2

Use repeat() and break to implement a count-down from 9 to 0.

Exercise 3

Create a loop that multiplies each of the numbers from 1 to 10 with 3 and print them out.

Exercises with other functions

Exercise 1

Use the function grep() to get alle elements from the following vector containing "RKURS":


Exercise 2

Please generate the following matrix:

						> x <- matrix(c(1:100), nrow = 10). 

Use the function apply() to read out the smallest number of each column..